I grew up in a great time in America. I worked as a flusher and brush stomper for rabbits and birds when I was too young to carry a gun. My father, cousins, uncles, and friends gathered at our farm the first day of hunting season and at Thanksgiving. Mom and Dad didn't allow me to skip school on the season's game opening, but I made up for it during Thanksgiving vacation. Most of the shooters had bagged their limits by the noon Thanksgiving meal, but after a huge meal at a huge table complete with heated political discussions, we yawned and went out again. Many times, I had frozen pants, muddy feet, and cold fingers and toes. But try to keep me away from hunting for those darting rabbits, thunderous quail explosions, and cackling pheasant flushes. Oh how I wished to be older! By the time I was old enough to carry a gun, everyone was too old, had moved away, or died.
Why do I mention this? Somehow, our society has lost this togetherness, the oneness of family pride, and the sharing. Have you ever spent Thanksgiving or Christmas by yourself? Everyone seems to have their own agenda. Families are so spread out and parents work so much that traveling during holidays is very limited.
Another problem we face is the feminization of men. Real men don't kill defenseless animals, carry guns, compete with other men in activities like sporting clays or be the leader in family activities. Hum? Oops, that sounds like sexism to me. Did you ever notice that progressives seek to control us by name calling and innuendos and ram their beliefs down our throats? You should wear certain clothes, eat low-fat, low carbohydrate, low calorie food, and not hunt and own or carry a gun. By doing this, progressives attack our opinions and create guilt and doubt in our beliefs. What was once right is wrong, and what was wrong is now right! The breakdown of the American family has accelerated and is preventing us from passing down family beliefs and traditions.
Today, my seventeen year old grandson shot his first buck on the opening day of youth season, an eight pointer here in northwest Ohio where big deer are scarce. I am so proud of him! Both of his grandpas have tried to pass down the legacy of gun safety and the shooting sports. Next week we plans to go pheasant hunting. Where are most people's grandsons at today?
Folks, people are trying to take all this away from us! We must resist. Stand up for your rights and don't be afraid to stick to your guns!
"To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason